27 May 2009

Plumbing Problems!

We have lived in our new house since April 20th and I have had so many plumbing problems. I am too the point where I give up and am ready to move. I have called the maintenance guy 5 times already and they would snake it out and it would be good for like a couple days and then it's back to being clogged. Every time I would run the dishwasher or the washer leaks start to come from the outside where the electrical room is and then the toilets would clog and if we flush the toilets water would come out of the tubs. It's just gross and I am so sick of cleaning it. I am too the point where I am ready to move into another base housing. The guys came yesterday and today I ran the dishwasher and now it's back to being clogged again, so now we can't use the toilets till the morning because it takes forever for it to unclog. Another thing that they told me to get was root stopper, so I tried that be obviously it didn't work because everything is clogged. It's just so irritating and I am so sick of cleaning the floors.

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